Thunder From Down Under, located in Excalibur, is a fun show for ladies who are interested in laughing, shouting, and acting silly while mostly naked men shake their stuff for your enjoyment. The guys certainly aren’t the best dancers but they are very nice to look at and they are enthusiastic about putting on a good show.
They dress in sexy costumes and strip them off to only thongs. They never show the naked front but always turn around to reveal their naked butts. Along with dancing, there are a few ladies selected to go onstage for a mini lap dance or to participate in a contest. They even pull an old grandma on stage which is hilarious!
The theater is tiny, about the size of two classrooms, so even if you are in the last row, you are still very close to the stage. The very front row is tables 1 through 8 (seats 1 and 2 which are the front seats at the table) and they are more expensive and considered VIP for no other reason than because they are the first row. The view really isn’t any more advantageous because again, the theater is so tiny. VIP does not guarantee you more interaction with the guys either. In fact, you won’t get any interaction AT ALL. I think all of us in the first row were disappointed that we had paid more and the guys always went to the tables behind us.
Behind the VIP tables is the next row, tables 9-15, and this is where you SHOULD sit. The guys were always going in that area, dancing on women, hugging them, and jumping on their tables. Behind this row is the last row of seating and this wraps around to the sides of the theater. Sitting here is also better than VIP because they received lots of interaction as well.
My sister-in-law and I were at table 8 and when a dancer actually came to the front row, it was to stand on table 7 and pour beer all over himself. This may have been extremely exciting for everyone in the audience but not for those of us at tables 6, 7, and 8, who had to turn away so beer wouldn’t splash in our faces. It still got all over our hair and clothes but a worker gave us towels to dry off. (The beer was planted. We saw a worker place it there beforehand, so don’t worry that your drink will be wasted!)
After the show, ladies lined up for a picture with the guys on the stage for $20 each. You can sit on their lap, hug them, or pose any way you please.
In addition to attending the show, you receive a stamp on your hand which allows you free entrance to LAX night club in Luxor. Free vodka cranberries until midnight are included and getting to the club is easy by using the indoor walkway between Excalibur and Luxor.
Thunder From Down Under is a fun show but remember not to sit in VIP (first 8 tables) because there is NO interaction with the guys and you are paying a lot more for the same view that everyone else has.
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